Saturday, April 28, 2007


One of only 5 Fridays left that I get to be a stay at home mommy with Camy. I'm starting to get a little sad but I need to remember how much fun we have when we're together. This morning for breakfast Cam wanted waffles and peanut butter. We had to opening a new container and he wanted a spoon to eat out to the peanut butter. Here are a couple of pictures of him eating his peanut butter with his breakfast. Your so funny some times.

After eating breakfast we decided it was nice enough to go outside to play. Cam loves playing outside with his doggy, Senta. Senta has a frisbee that Cam always wants to throw but Senta never want to drop it for him. Cameran gets so made at Senta and starts to cry I want frisbee.

While Cam was napping I was trying to get some work done and at about 1:45 Cam woke up and came into my office. I told him we would go outside right after I was done writing an e-mail for work. So you know how pacient 2 1/2 year old can be when they want to do something. So he went into the kitchen and I thought he was putting on his shoes and trying to put on his coat, but when I came out after I was done writing my e-mail for work this is what I found

Cameran was pretending to drink what he was calling soda but it really was a little bottle of wine which wasn't open. He also tried to give Senta some too.

Here are some more pictures of Cam and Senta. Senta is such a good girls. She let Cam do so much stuff to here. He tries to ride her like a horse.

After Cam's little friend got up from her nap we went for a bike ride to an area lake only about 5 miles down the road. Cam loves playing with his little friend, this will be hard for me and him when we leave from here not being able to play with his little friend all the time. When we got to the lake Cam and Ryhi took off there shoes and Ryhi went high tailing into the lake with all her clothes on. The temp of the water is only about 40 degrees. She didn't seem to be fazed by how cold the water was. Her mommy took all her clothes off except for the her diaper and she still wanted to go into the water some more. After she only had her diaper she still wanted to go into the cold, cold water and just sit and play in it. Cam on the other hand didn't want to even put his feet in. At first he wanted to be like Ryhi and only have her diaper on but then he decided it was a little to cold out for him and he wanted his clothes back on. We ended up leaving pretty quick because Ryhi keep going into the water and we didn't want her to get sick.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Big news

On March 13 Don got an e-mail from the company he used to work for asking if he was looking for a job with them. We thought about the offer and we really didn't know if we were ready to move back to the city, busy life, away from the snow and away from the woods. So while we were thinking about the offer we looked into buying a house and move off campus. To our surprise the houses in the area that we live are very expensive. We weren't able to find anything for under $200,000. We found a couple $150,000 but we would have had to do about $50,000 in updates before we could move in. There is no way that we could afford this. If I was guarantied 25 hours of work a week with my job we might have been able to do it, but sometime I go with no work for 2 or 3 weeks. But then there are those weeks that I'm working 40 hours a week. So Don and I did some number pushing and a lot of thinking, we looked at some houses and found 1 that we really liked. But at the same time I hadn't any work for 3 weeks so it was really hard to think about buying a house for $200,000 when I'm not bring money home. So again we did some number pushing to if we could afford to move back to Waukesha area and if we really wanted to move. We love the area but we just don't feel like we fit in on campus. We get along better with the maintenance guys then the teachers. The people are pretty nice it just we don't have PHD's or anything and they have a tendency to talk over Don and my heads. So with that being said it would be better if we move back to Pewaukee, most of our family and friend still live there. My mom and dad are really happy because they get to see Cam a lot more. The weekend of April 7 we went do south and we looked for houses. With no luck we decided to stop by Shore West and see what they had. We started with 200 house and narrowed it down to 6. The next day we got to go to these house and from there we narrowed it down to 3. Don liked 1 and I like the 2 others. So more talking and talking. I'm always the one that looks at the prices and I like the cheaper on the best but Don liked the most expensive one. So we called the realtor again to see if we could look at the houses again. So we decided on one. At the same time this was all going on I called the company that I work for from home to see if I could come back to the office and work full time. The sad part, I have to take Cameran to daycare full time. I just have to remember that I'm very lucky to have gotten 2 1/2 years at home with Cameran. It's really hard sometimes thinking I have to take Cameran to daycare, right know he goes 2 days a week because were we live he doesn't get to play with any other kids his age, so taking him to daycare get him around other kids other then mommy. My boss said he would love to have me back full time, he was very happy which helped a lot. So Don and I put in a offer on the house we like and they accepted. So we are buying a house in Pewaukee, I'm going back to work full time and Cam is going to go to daycare 4 days a week and Grandma is going to watch him one day a week for a little while. I don't want Grandma to watch him all the time because I want Grandma to stay Grandma and not baby sitter. We are closing on our house May 11 which is coming really really fast. We aren't going to move into the new house until the end of the school year so this give us some time to paint and clean the house. We don't really need to do anything to it but we do want to paint before we move our stuff in. Our place is such a disaster with packing. Here are a couple of pictures. We are getting to be really good packers thou. In the past 2 1/2 years we've move 4 times. I told Don we won't be moving any time soon after this time.

my office while we're packing

not a pretty site

I can't wait until we are all done packing and moved

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Cameran's nuker

Yesterday morning I was going to the bathroom and when I was finished Cameran always wants to flush the toilet. We'll this morning he just got up and he still had his nuker in his mouth, witch he has 2 and he only gets when he goes to bed. So he goes to flush and leans over the toilet and says "all gone" and his nuker feel into the toilet. He was not happy at all, crying and saying my nuker, my nuker. Last night when we were reading just before bed time he asked for his nuk a couple of times and we explained what happened to his nuker again and he was even talking about it. I really think that because he dropped his nuker into the tolet it was ok. But if I accidentally drop his nuker into the toilet I think his little world would have fallen apart. Don and I thought for sure he wouldn't be able to sleep last night but to our surprise he did very well. And there was one "nuker". I'll have to work on getting Cameran to drop his other nuker into the toilet now. HaHa. At least he doesn't suck on this one, he plays with it on his face. I know that is really weird I know.

Monday, April 23, 2007

hot dogs and peanut butter

Last night we made an easy dinner mac and cheese and hot dogs. For some reason Cameran wanted the peanut butter out too. No use in fighting with him over peanut butter. He ended up putting peanut butter on every peace of hot dogs and he ate all of his hot dogs. I guess what ever makes him happy. We'll see the next time we have hot dogs if he wants to have peanut butter on them again.

Friday, April 6, 2007

Snowy Week

So much for feeling like spring! On Tuesday night we were suppose to get 6-10 inches of snow. About 2 weeks ago the temperatures were 70 degree and tonight its suppose to get down to 10 to 15 degrees. You got to love the North woods. :)

This week is spring break so Don has off this week. We have been at our cottage since Tuesday. Don came down Tuesday morning with the truck and trailer with the four wheeler on it. Cameran and I came down Tuesday night after he was done with day care. When we left there was already 1 to 2 inches of snow with a layer of ice underneath which made it really slippery. This didn’t last for too long, only until we got into Eagle River. In Eagle River it was only wet roads.

This week, at the cottage Don moved some trees which was more difficult then he thought it would be. He ended up getting all the stumps moved and was able to cut some tree in 8' lengths. He also ended up breaking the bumper on the four wheeler.

3 Grandma's

Cameran is so lucky that he has 3 Grandma’s but I’m having such a hard time that 2 of them are very sick. Cameran is so young and if anything happens to his Grandma’s he wouldn’t remember them. This is one of the main reasons why I’m doing this blog. I know that Grandma Linda and Grandma Jeanne are two very strong woman and I pray to God that they can both over come there disease. This is what we found out last week.

Last Friday we found out that Grandma Jeanne’s kidney are failing really fast. Her kidneys are down to 18% witch about 2 months ago were up at 25%. She is now going through all these test to make sure her body is capable to handle a kidney transplant. Yesterday she did a stress test which took 4 hours to do. She doesn’t have the results back but she thinks she did ok. After she’s done with all her test and they tell her, her body is able to handle a kidney transplant her and her daughter are going to Madison to see if her daughter is a match. If her daughter isn’t a match Donny and I will get tested to see if we are a match. After Grandma gets a donor she needs to wait until her kidneys are down to 15%. We went out to dinner with Grandma and Grandpa last night and she’s doing good. We talked a little more about everything that’s going on.

Almost exactly 6 months ago on November 7, 2006 we found out that Grandma Linda has rectal and liver cancer. They gave her 2 to 4 months to live if she decided not to do treatments. Grandma has been doing chemo and radiation since. She has surpassed the 4 months witch is a hug step. For almost 2 weeks she has been in a lot of pain. She is on a pain patch and is on the highest dosages and she’s also taking vicuton. She said she took 40 in 5 days. Last week they told her she has an ulcer in her rectal area. They say it is a really large one, about the size of playing card. The doctors say this is a common side affect of having chemo treatments. The treatments have done what they were suppose to do, make the rectal cancer smaller but now she has an ulcer. With having an ulcer in this area, when she tries to have a bowel movement it just irritates this ulcer and doesn’t ever get a chance to heal. So the doctors desided to give Linda a calasemy. This is when they reroute your intestons and you get a bag put on. Having this done will hopefully help heal her ulcer. Linda goes in for this surgery on Monday the 9th of April at 5:30 am.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Ganma(Grandma) and Papa(Grandpa) Visits

This weekend Ganma and Papa came up to visit. On Friday night about 6:30 my parents arrived. They haven't been up to visit since Christmas so it was nice to have them up. It rained all weekend so we played inside most of the time. We went down to the LRC and played racquet ball, ping pong ball, foos ball, and in it the weight room. My parents tried out the weight machines which made us all laugh. Cameran enjoyed playing on the big exercise balls with his daddy.
After Cameran woke up from his nap Ganma, Cameran and I colored Easter Eggs. Here are a couple of pictures. We went out to Lac Veiavus in Watersmeet Mi for dinner. We took two car so that my parents and I could stay and gamble for a little while and Don would take Cameran back home with him. It was so nice of Don to take Cameran home and I got to stay out for a couple of hours. My parents ended up losing $150 and I came out winning $20.

Ganma helping Cam color eggs

the family :)

On Sunday Cameran washed the window with a squirt bottle. But he was also squirting all of us.

He was really funny trying to get Papa and Ganma all morning. He was also squirting himself in the face. Here are a few pictures.

Cam's getting Ganma with the squirt bottle

Ganma 's got Cam.

I told Cam to smile and this is how he desided to smile, cute.
Cameran was spraying himself with the sqirt bottol. Here is a video.

It was a really nice weekend. Love you Ganma and Papa.
Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker