Sunday, August 12, 2007

big boy potty

On Saturday Cameran went potty on the big boy potty for the first time. He was so cute. He sat on the potty facing the tank which seams to work really well. Everything made it into the potty, no clean-ups for mommy. As he was getting onto the potty he says "mommy get out". The way he said it was so cute, so I went just outside the door were I was still able to here that he actually went potty. After he was all done he asked me for help to put his underwear on but he wanted to put his shorts on by himself. He wasn't able to get his foot in so he was getting really mad. I asked him if I could show him how to put his shorts on, but he wouldn't any of that. He got even madder. So I just waited until he ask for help. I was so proud of my little boy. This is great that he doesn't want mommies helping but its a little hard knowing my baby boy is becoming my independent boy.

Friday, August 10, 2007


So we have the internet at home but with working 50 hours a week (sitting on a computer all day) I really don't want to sit on the computer when I get home. I did put together this slide show of our weekend at the Milwaukee Zoo. We had lots of fun with Grandma and Grandpa.
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