Friday, March 23, 2007

Cameran's little friend

Cameran has a little friend that he plays with all the time her name is Riya. She is 4 months younger then he is so they play very nice together. Her family lives next to us which makes it really easy for the kids to play together. On March 19 Sarah invited Cameran and I over to do some finger painting. The kids enjoyed that a lot. They ate carrots and finger painted, they might have eaten some of the finger paint too because of the carrots, but they'll live. Here are some pictures. Cameran made a picture for Daddy. Sarah and I enjoyed some Indian tea (which was the first time I've ever had that and it was really good) while the kids played. It's really nice to have someone around close to Cameran's ago and someone close for my sake also. Sarah and I take walks together


Today Cameran and I were playing out side waiting for Sarah and Riya to come out and play with us. Cameran wanted to go exploring in the snow by some trees and he started to yell ah oh mommy ah oh mommy, so I went over by him and he was showing me his hand and saying DOGGY POOPY. He tried to pick up dog poop that was nice and soft. It was pretty funny. He didn't like it to much. At least he didn't get it all over him, it was only on his hand.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Feeling like spring, sad or happy is the questions?

Today was sunny and about 45 degrees. Cameran is enjoying playing out side with out putting on snow pants and snow boats, but with that being said he still has to wear galoshes and a rain coat. He's enjoying jumping in water puddles and riding his tricycle around even though there is snow on the ground up to Cameran's waist. After eating dinner at school we played in the snow and then in the water puddles. Here are a couple of video's with Cameran playing in water puddles on Sunday.

I'm sad that the winter is over because Cameran only got to go snowmobiling with Don and I once. We took him out snowmobiling on March 3, 2007. It was a beautiful day, it was snowing and we had gotten about 6inch of new snow the night before. Cameran road with daddy. We went about 45 miles. We went to lunch at Bents and on our way home which was only about 7 miles Cameran ended up falling a sleep. The trail we were on was a bit bumpy but he was sound a sleep. We'll have to wait until next years to go snowmobiling again. Cameran still talks about riding on daddy snowmobile.
I'm happy that spring is on it's way. Don, Cameran and I can start going biking, hiking and fishing again. Cameran will be at a great age this summer to do all of these thing.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Cam's in a big boy bed

Cameran is 2 years and 4 months old. A couple of weeks a ago Don and I decided to buy Cameran a twin bed. We brought it home and put it right in his room. Cameran thought it was great. He wanted to lay in it right away. His first night sleeping in his big boy bed was a little hard. He kept wanting to come out of his room he also played with his toys some too. After about the 5th or 6th time putting him back to bed. Don decided to lay with him. That was ok for the first night, but I didn't want that to be a habit for us. The second night was about the same but after the 5th or 6th time of putting him back into bed I decided to tell Cameran "If you come out of the room once more, I'll take one of your nuks away." (Cameran sleeps with two nuks. One in his mouth and he plays with the other one. He only get them when he takes a nap or at bed time) He ended up getting up one more time so I took away the nuk he plays with. Didn't like that very much, he scream and scream (I could only take that for about 3 min.) So I went back into his room and told him, do you want your nuk back, He says Yes, I say you need to go to sleep and stay in bed, He says Ok so I give him his nuk back. Cameran feel right asleep and didn't come out of bed until morning. That was a good night.
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