Thursday, March 22, 2007

Feeling like spring, sad or happy is the questions?

Today was sunny and about 45 degrees. Cameran is enjoying playing out side with out putting on snow pants and snow boats, but with that being said he still has to wear galoshes and a rain coat. He's enjoying jumping in water puddles and riding his tricycle around even though there is snow on the ground up to Cameran's waist. After eating dinner at school we played in the snow and then in the water puddles. Here are a couple of video's with Cameran playing in water puddles on Sunday.

I'm sad that the winter is over because Cameran only got to go snowmobiling with Don and I once. We took him out snowmobiling on March 3, 2007. It was a beautiful day, it was snowing and we had gotten about 6inch of new snow the night before. Cameran road with daddy. We went about 45 miles. We went to lunch at Bents and on our way home which was only about 7 miles Cameran ended up falling a sleep. The trail we were on was a bit bumpy but he was sound a sleep. We'll have to wait until next years to go snowmobiling again. Cameran still talks about riding on daddy snowmobile.
I'm happy that spring is on it's way. Don, Cameran and I can start going biking, hiking and fishing again. Cameran will be at a great age this summer to do all of these thing.

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