After eating breakfast we decided it was nice enough to go outside to play. Cam loves playing outside with his doggy, Senta. Senta has a frisbee that Cam always wants to throw but Senta never want to drop it for him. Cameran gets so made at Senta and starts to cry I want frisbee.
While Cam was napping I was trying to get some work done and at about 1:45 Cam woke up and came into my office. I told him we would go outside right after I was done writing an e-mail for work. So you know how pacient 2 1/2 year old can be when they want to do something. So he went into the kitchen and I thought he was putting on his shoes and trying to put on his coat, but when I came out after I was done writing my e-mail for work this is what I found
Cameran was pretending to drink what he was calling soda but it really was a little bottle of wine which wasn't open. He also tried to give Senta some too.
Here are some more pictures of Cam and Senta. Senta is such a good girls. She let Cam do so much stuff to here. He tries to ride her like a horse.
After Cam's little friend got up from her nap we went for a bike ride to an area lake only about 5 miles down the road. Cam loves playing with his little friend, this will be hard for me and him when we leave from here not being able to play with his little friend all the time. When we got to the lake Cam and Ryhi took off there shoes and Ryhi went high tailing into the lake with all her clothes on. The temp of the water is only about 40 degrees. She didn't seem to be fazed by how cold the water was. Her mommy took all her clothes off except for the her diaper and she still wanted to go into the water some more. After she only had her diaper she still wanted to go into the cold, cold water and just sit and play in it. Cam on the other hand didn't want to even put his feet in. At first he wanted to be like Ryhi and only have her diaper on but then he decided it was a little to cold out for him and he wanted his clothes back on. We ended up leaving pretty quick because Ryhi keep going into the water and we didn't want her to get sick.